Lookee there! Yes, that's my bloody ear. I was given a certain amount of money to spend on my birthday and told to spend it frivolously, so this is what I chose - and industrial piercing in my ear. Ooh, boy, did it hurt! He marked it, I said "ok," then I was told to lie down, turn my head to the side, and then began the pinching and the burning.
I'm quite happy with the results. It fits me well and I think that it blends into my style and personality quite well. It's funny because as much as I want people to notice on their own, I have to show them and obtain their approval. "Yes, Tina, looks very nice. Good choice!" More than one person has told me they appreciate that I chose to have both of my piercings to one side. I'm also quite amused by the fact that I don't have my earlobes pierced at all but have both an eyebrow and an industrial, but it makes me no less feminine.
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